12 de julho de 2010

Iron vs Spider

This was a school work.What do you think about it?

5 de julho de 2010

Naruto's sketches n.º2

My Naruto's skeches

My sketched Robin

Look at my sketched Robin that I made when I was 11 years old.

Power Rangers Ninja Storm

I did this draw when i was eight years old, in primary school.
These are my first favorite super heroes.

Ninja turtles

Do you like turtles? I do. These are my turtles.

My Comic of Afonso Henriques for the Viseu's contest

This is the second page of the comic "Uma aventura com  Afonso Henriques".

My Comic from Amadora Festival 2009

Here is the first page of the comic "Viagem Alucimamte" that I send to the contest.